SharePoint Consulting with an Eye for Design and a Personal Touch


I'm not a developer by trade or a code monkey by professional background. I got into SharePoint through web design/development. I got into web design by originally working for years in print design while managing my dad's commercial offset printing company. Having a background in design provides me skills to provide excellent SharePoint branding, but also provides an eye to usability which doesn't always come naturally to most developers.

When I got involved providing custom branding in SharePoint, I realized the capability of the platform and got involved doing further customization. Whether I've provided data migration services, workflow process automation, or custom developed training, companies I've worked with have realized new ways to work with SharePoint to provide efficiencies in content management, user engagement and collaboration opportunities.

I've had the good fortune of working with a number of clients over the years, through consulting or training:



Customize SharePoint Beyond It's OOTB Capability and Provide Maximum ROI out of SharePoint – Other Acronyms Available Upon Request


Whether you have an on-premise installation or using SharePoint online, SharePoint provides great power out-of-the-box. However, to truly harness the full power of SharePoint, some degree of customization is usually necessary. Whether it's providing branding or implementing a manual process using SharePoint workflow, we can help you harness the power of your investment.



We Make SharePoint Not Look like SharePoint

To support your brand, it’s essential to have experienced designers. But for success in branding SharePoint, it requires a unique blend of right brain and left brain.  That’s where I come in.  With attention to your branding initiatives, business objectives, and SharePoint goals, I bring an eye for design, with an understanding of SharePoint functionality to bring your custom site design to fruition. Schedule a free consultation and let me show you the path to realizing your SharePoint Design vision. 

Business Process Automation

Use SharePoint to Automate Manual Processes

Leverage the power of SharePoint workflow to standardize repeatable processes. In most companies ad-hoc collaboration processes result in wasted time and confusion over who is supposed to do what and when they need to do it. SharePoint workflows allow you to assign tasks, add milestones, and receive updates from colleagues when things get done (or deadlines slip). Let us evaluate your manual processes and identify opportunities for serious process automation.


Content Migration

Drop Those Folders and Empower Metadata

SharePoint offers numerous features to allow you to efficiently manage information and spend less time searching for things. However, that content needs to be organized, categorized and tagged to benefit. Copying files from a shared drive isn't a one-to-one straightforward end user task when we are talking about years of enterprise data. Let us help develop a migration strategy to get the most out of SharePoint. Evaluate which content to be migrated, develop a migration roadmap, and do the heavy lifting of bulk file migration to SharePoint on-premises or SharePoint Online.

Custom Development

Let Us Evaluate Your Custom Requirements

SharePoint offers many out-of-the-box features to help employees work more efficiently, with better access to information. However, in many cases, business requirements push the envelope on SharePoint capabilities. Having a thorough understanding of where SharePoint is most efficient and when we need customized solutions is typically beyond the scope of most users' experience. We have experience developing custom applications to extend the SharePoint platform while maintaining the integrity of the SharePoint platform.